- #Mailtags yosemite for mac#
- #Mailtags yosemite software#
- #Mailtags yosemite code#
- #Mailtags yosemite free#
MailTags provides a vast amount of functionality which this AppleScript does not, including integration with Mail Act-On and the ability to send tags along with emails. It’s by Indev Software, makers of the thoroughly outstanding Mail Act-On, which I use dozens of times per day.
#Mailtags yosemite software#
I mentioned above that there’s a whole piece of software designed for tagging Mail on Macs, and it’s called MailTags.
#Mailtags yosemite free#
In fact, you’ll see the tagging window much more quickly by dropping it straight into something like Keyboard Maestro or the free hot key application Spark for some unknown reason, there’s a big delay when executing the script directly from Mail’s scripts menu. If you’ve enabled your AppleScript menu, you can save the resulting script to Mail’s script folder, usually ~/Library/Scripts/Applications/Mail, or - even better - you can drop it straight into a keyboard shortcut utility like Keyboard Maestro, where you can invoke it with a single hot key.
#Mailtags yosemite code#
How can you use it? You can download Greg’s Mail Tagging directly (link no longer active: please see note above) or copy the code above and drop it into your script editor.

There’s a bit of jiggery-pokery at the end of the script which uses the Finder to figure out where exactly Tagger lives, using its own application ID, just in case you’ve renamed it or placed it somewhere unusual. Once it has the locations for each message, it hooks them all together and hands them off to Tagger using the latter’s command line interface. (In the latter case, tags get wiped out when the file is finally downloaded fully, so it’s no good trying to tag messages before then.)

It throws up an error if the message file cannot be found, or if the message hasn’t yet been fully downloaded. The code runs through the set of messages which are currently selected in Mail, grabs the unique ID for each, and then attempts to find the individual file where that message is stored using Spotlight. Set command to quoted form of (POSIX path of appPath) & "/Contents/MacOS/Tagger -f " & msgURL Tell application "Finder" to set appPath to application file id "" as string - grab path using app file ID for Tagger Set myURL to quoted form of (POSIX path of myURL)ĭisplay dialog founderror with title "Whoops!" buttons default button 1 Set founderror to "Spotlight was unable to find a local copy of the selected message." All messages to be tagged must be downloaded fully for tagging to work reliably." Set founderror to "One or more of the selected messages has only been partially downloaded. Set testURL to (do shell script "mdfind -onlyin ~/Library/Mail \"kMDItemFSName = '" & theId & ".partial.emlx'\"") Set myURL to (do shell script "mdfind -onlyin ~/Library/Mail \"kMDItemFSName = '" & theId & ".emlx'\"") So with those in mind, here’s the snippet of AppleScript that acts as ‘glue’: Spotlight can be used to locate the individual file which corresponds to a given message ID pretty quickly.Mail can be used to find the unique ID of any given message, and.Tagger provides a command line interface, which can be accessed via AppleScript, and.This script makes use of three helpful facts: Try Online Counseling: Get Personally Matched (What’s that, you say? There’s a whole piece of software designed specifically for tagging email, and it happens to be called MailTags? Why yes, there is - comments on MailTags to follow below.) It turns out that it’s entirely possible, and all you need is a bit of AppleScript glue to connect up Apple’s Mail with Tagger. Although Tagger is designed to enable tagging with document-based applications, several people have asked whether it’s possible to tag individual email messages with something like Tagger. And let’s face it: we all have enough stress in our lives without wasting unnecessary time just trying to keep track of stuff.Īnyway, in that review, I happened to mention that my own favourite tool for applying tags to files is a nifty little application which also happens to be entirely free: Tagger, by Ali Rantakari. It provides a powerful and flexible way of using OpenMeta tags to keep track of your digital stuff - just about any kind of stuff. Not long ago, we reviewed the OpenMeta tagging tool called Leap.
#Mailtags yosemite for mac#
See “ Mail Tagging Now Integrated Into Tagger for Mac Users”. UPDATE: Thanks to an extremely responsive developer, the AppleScript solution described on this page has now been integrated directly into the Tagger application itself. If you’re a Mac user looking for a way to help organise your Mail messages using the OpenMeta-style tags we described here recently, you can easily connect Mail under Leopard or Snow Leopard with Ali Rantakari’s free Tagger application.